Tree Management Plans

What is a Tree Management Plan?


A tree management plan is an inspection, assessment and reporting process used to evaluate and make recommendations for management of the health, structural integrity, safety, aesthetic value and longevity of the trees on your property.

The management planning begins by identifying the trees on the site (called a tree inventory, tree survey or preliminary tree resource evaluation).

By identifying the trees and any existing or potential problems, specifications for maintenance and risk mitigation can be provided, with priority categories, estimated costs and budgeting considerations.

A tree management plan can be oriented to a specific project, like a construction site tree preservation plan, or a tree disease prevention program like with Sudden Oak Death syndrome, or for general information regarding tree pruning cycles, Integrated Pest Management and seasonal landscape maintenance practices.

It is within the context of a tree management plan, that a pro-active approach can be employed for tree health care and prevention of problems.

Property owners/managers often use a “reactive” approach and wait for advanced problems to develop before seeking professional help and curative treatments. But advanced conditions can be difficult or impossible to cure. It’s the same as with human health.

A preventive, “wellness” approach is one objective of a tree management plan that utilizes the principles and practices of  IPM (Integrated Pest Management aka ‘Intelligent Plant Management’).

IPM practices are written into a good tree management plan, with soil and water management, knowledge and anticipation of common problems, seasonal monitoring, early intervention, and well-timed preventive treatments.